Facebook is known from a small kid to an old man, it is the World’s largest social networking website launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg. Today, it is estimated that Facebook has more than 2.85 billion active users. That means more than 35% of the world’s population is on Facebook.
Here are the 10 interesting facts about Facebook and believe me, there is a lot there below, you probably don’t know.
1. First Facebook Account

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, and CEO of Facebook created his first account on Facebook. The profile ID assigned to Zuckerberg’s account was 4. The IDs 1-3 may have been associated with Zuckerberg but the profile pages no longer exist. Zuckerberg probably used IDs 1-3 for testing purpose and then deleted.
Imagine how hard it took for him to create such a massive site and promote to others to take part of it, no dought till then there was no such popular platform with the increasing number of engaging users.
2. Banned in some countries

If you have thought that Facebook is accessed all over the world you are wrong because Facebook is banned in some countries, including Bangladesh, China, and North Korea. In China, Facebook has been blocked since the Urumqi riots in July 2009, because independence activists in Xinjiang used Facebook as part of his communications network.
North Korea starts to block Facebook in April 2016. Whoever tries to access it will be subject to punishment under the law. So be careful while traveling from one country to another, check which countries are restricted using Facebook, or else you will be in trouble.
3. thefacebook.com

Facebook was originally called ‘thefacebook.com’. Facebook dropped “the” from its name in 2005. Facebook purchased the domain name ‘facebook.com’ for US $200,000 from AboutFace Corporation. You can also access Facebook by simply visiting ‘fb.com’.
For branding businesses use a single word domain, it will help the people to remember easily so that they can type directly to access. This will help to grow their business indirectly.
4. Al Pacino’s Picture

When Facebook first launched, the homepage feature a picture of famous American actor Al Pacino’s face. No one really knows why? Well, you can say Al Pacino was the first person to appear on Facebook.
Maybe the CEO got the picture downloaded from google, just guessing maybe he likes him a lot so he kept his picture on the homepage while starting.
5. Facebook’s Revenue

As most of us know that Facebook’s revenue comes from advertising. Facebook’s Revenue in the year 2020 was 8,596.5 crores USD, this has been achieved with the constant effort of improving the algorithm, data sets, and ad platform keeping users in mind.
As the population and technology increasing with faster internet services across the globe people are more interested to connect with each other and share their stories, this has become the business opportunity for Facebook to sell advertisements place for various brands.
6. Can’t Block Mark Zuckerberg

You can’t block the founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook. Attempting to do so will display this error message “There was a problem blocking this user. Please try again later”.
How can you block the owner of a business right? The entire platform will be under his control and he can set the rules according to his wishes. And moreover who wants to block him none I guess.
7. Facebook’s Bug Bounty program

Facebook will actually pay you if you found a bug or defect or security hole in their system. The money they payout ranges between the US $500 – $10000 depending on the severity of the bug. Back in 2005, a guy named Chris Putnam hacked into Facebook and changed 1000s of profiles into MySpace style. And guess what, Facebook hired him.
If you are a technical person who wants to get a similar kind of reward try to find the loopholes and report to the Facebook team.
8. Free meal for employees

Like Google, Facebook also offers three completely free meals a day, as well as free drinks for their employees. There is actually an app called ‘The lunchtime’ where facebook employees can see what’s on the menu at Facebook headquarters each day.
Big companies spend the money to increase the productivity of individual and this is also a technique by offering benefits to its employees to retain them and to get feeling that they are part of the company.
9. Facebook’s population

Facebook has now more than 2.89 billion monthly active users. In the United States, about 95℅ of the population has a Facebook account. If Facebook were a country it would now be the largest country in the world.
There are many social media’s in the market before Facebook and after Facebook also but still Facebook has become the leader in the market because the interface oftenly improved according to the users need and it is the first social media which has got such popularity with more engaged users.
10. Hacking Attempts

Even though Facebook has the team for looking after security still, about 600,000 hacking attempts are made on Facebook every single day. The hacking can be done for various reasons some may do to blackmail the company, some may do to steel the data, and many more.
The security level for these sites will be usually high but still people try to bypass and hack into it, only some smart hackers can do these things. It is illegal and will be punished if they caught so.
There are many facts about Facebook you can find but we found these 10 facts about Facebook that may interest you and may not be known to many in general. If you know any other interesting facts let us know by commenting below.