Top 10

Top 10 Smallest Animals in the World in Terms of Size

In the world, humans and animals have co-existed for centuries, we have seen animals that are huge and we have also noticed some of the smallest animals. However, all are part of this ecosystem where we all stay and survive.

As Charles Darwin once said, Survival of the fittest, these small animals fight hard with many predators to survive. Here is the list of animals that are the smallest in terms of size and in no particular order.

10. Pygmy Mouse Lemur

These are the world’s smallest animals which measure around 5 inches long.  These species were discovered on the island of Madagascar as recently as 1993. These are difficult species to find owing to their small structure. The Pygmy Mouse Lemurs are herbivorous which means they eat flowers, fruits, leaves, grass, ferns, etc. The species is named after the Roman mythological name, Lemur which means ghosts or spirits.

9. Pygmy Rabbit

Found in North America, Pygmy Rabbit measures the length of 9.5-11.5 inches and weighs typically 400 gms. They naturally inhabit areas where there is deep soil which will help them burrow deep down under and they also look out for tall, dense bushes that will help them to be safe and secure.

8. Pygmy marmoset

The Pygmy Marmoset known as the dwarf monkey is the world’s smallest monkey and is native to the rainforests of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Their body length is just 5.5-6.3 inches excluding the tail and these are difficult to find as they are really tiny.

7. Speckled Padloper Tortoise

These tortoises native to South Africa measure a length of 2.4 – 3.1 inches (male) and 4 inches (females) and are the smallest tortoise in the world. They feed on small plants that are found in rocky regions and they use tiny crevices found in these rocks as their hiding place.

6. Etruscan shrew

Also known as Etruscan Pygmy shrew, these are the smallest mammals one can find with a length of just 1.4-2.0 inches. They weigh about 1.2-2.7 gms. However, these shrews have large brains that in terms of comparison with humans, their brain-to-body weight ratio is more compared to all mammals.

5. Kitti Hog-nosed bat

The Kitti’s Hog-Nosed bat is native to Thailand and Myanmar is the world’s smallest bat. These measures a length of 1.1-1.6 inches and are called the Bumblebee Bat. The bat is distinctive in features as it has a pig-like snout. They typically live in the herd in limestone caves.

4. Bee Hummingbird

The Bee Hummingbird is the smallest warm-blooded vertebrate which measures the size of 2.2 inches. The bee hummingbird weighs just 1.8 gms and an impressive thing about hummingbirds is its wing flapping which is one of the fastest wing flappings in the minute. They can travel backward and forwards.

3. Royal Antelope

Hailing from West Africa, Royal Antelopes are the world’s smallest antelope. They measure 10 inches in height and weigh around 2 KGs. The characteristic feature of the Royal Antelope is its long slender legs with its hind legs are more strong and long than its forelegs. Male Royal Antelope possess horns that are short and spiky and measure just 2.5-3 cm in length.

2. Paedocypris

Paedocypris is the world’s smallest fish found in the regions of Sumatra Islands. They measure just 0.3 inches and are known to measure extreme droughts due to their small stature. These miniature fishes lack the characteristics of adult fish and they have transparent features.

1. Paedophryne amauensis

First discovered in New Guinea, Paedophryne amauensis is the smallest frog species in the world. They measure just 0.3 inches and are the smallest vertebrate on earth. Scientists believe Paedophryne amauensis evolved into small size to facilitate the diet of tiny invertebrates that the larger predators tend to ignore.

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