Independence DayRepublic Day

Difference Between Republic Day and Independence Day of India

We celebrate Independence Day and Republic Day but most people do not know the difference between these 2 days. So, today I will tell you the differences.

The British came to India for trading purpose later they established the British East India Company and started ruling India under a charter granted by Queen Elizabeth. The British treated Indians as slaves, they took away most of the wealth from the country and a lot more.

So many great people came forward and fought against the British over a period of time but Mahatma Gandhi is the one who stood in front and brought us freedom.

Celebration Dates

  • Independence Day is celebrated on August 15, 1947.
  • Republic Day is celebrated on January 26, 1950.


On Independence Day India became Independent from British Rule on 15th August 1947, so from then onwards 15th August is celebrated as Independence Day whereas India was declared as Republic and Constitution came into effect on 26th January 1952. So, the 26th of January every year is celebrated as Republic Day.

If you notice India became Independent in 1947 but it took almost 5 years to write and execute the Constitution and it is the biggest Constitution written in the world.

Significance of the Days

On Independence Day we pay homage to people who sacrificed their time, effort, and lives for the Independence of India. we remember our Freedom Fighters of India such as Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and many others… so this is the day to remember the freedom struggle.

Republic Day on other hand honors the citizens who hold the power of the Republic nation i.e the Constitution of India gives the power of Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. so this is the day to celebrate the power given through Constitution to its citizens.

How do we celebrate Independence Day and Republic Day?

We celebrate Independence day through flag hoisting, cultural performances, Speech by the Prime minister in Redfort, Delhi on remembering the sacrifice of many great people and the day is declared a National holiday for the citizens of the country.

On Republic day there will be showcasing of the power of Indian arm forces like missiles, tankers, air show, etc. along with the flag hoisting, every year one important guest will be invited to the event around the world.


Knowing these basic differences between Independence Day and Republic Day helps you in some or another way. You can educate your kids, and help the future generation with the right information. And also you will not feel ashamed when someone asks and you don’t know the answer.

"Follow Your Passion" I am a professional blogger, my aim is to help millions of readers to get the right information at the right time.

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