Today I want to let you know Why I Hate The Body Of Your Article? in detail.
I love writing articles and blogging, personally, I run the same site Jaborejob and other sites in which you are reading now and also I publish articles for many sites. When I look at your websites & blogs, I hate many of your articles.
There are many reasons to hate those articles, here I will let you know how to write a proper and structured article for your blog.
You Give Me a Lot of Headache
Let’s get into the point straight away. I do not care what you write or how big your brand is, as long as it’s a qualitative and well-structured article. I am more interested in the format of the article than in its point of view or content.
As a reader, I hate a lot of big brand’s articles due to the shortage of quality and quantity also.
I care about the size of your article, it should be not too short or not too big. I strongly recommend that you make your point crystal clear and stick to it.
If you have another idea when writing an article, convert it into a separate article. Do not try to put everything into a single article.
Big Paragraphs
Don’t ever write big paragraphs unless it is necessary, The only time you should write a paragraph is while you write stories.
Once in a while, you can write one for a dramatic impact, but try to stop doing regularly for all articles because your readers end up with closing the browser tab soon and your bounce rate increases and your ranking’s go down.
Loooonggg Sentences
I know its hard to write shorter sentences because you have a lot of things in your mind to be mentioned in the article.
While writing put all your knowledge, creativeness, ideas, and everything even if it becomes a long continuous sentence.
Once you finished the sentence, read it full again and try to divide the sentence into multiple sentences as per requirement, and check whether the topic is closed.
Link in the Body
Don’t put too many links in the body of the article, if you are thinking that your readers will click those links and they spend more time on your site, then you are wrong.
The truth is anything we make readers do forcefully, they will not, it is the psychology.
You don’t want to create another Wikipedia, people like pleasant reading to their eyes.
I am not telling you that not to put links entirely, you can hyperlink in the body of the article only if necessary or relevant to the topic you are explaining to the readers.
Spelling Mistakes
Honestly telling I do not care about spelling mistakes, I don’t think I am a scholar or expert in writing, even I do a lot of mistakes.
Sometimes, even you made spelling mistakes, if people like your intent which you want to spread, your article stands out good. But there is a problem that the algorithm of search engines check the spelling mistakes as well, which will impact in rankings.
But due to the technologically advanced, everything happens autopilot mode likewise there are many tools available online to correct the spelling mistakes.
I personally use to correct spelling mistakes of my blog post and articles, you can log in to their website put your content and check for spelling mistakes but I use their chrome extension, it is more useful for me than visiting their site every time.
Body Titles
Using headlines in the body of your article is a very good idea. I have seen many articles on the web, some use small letters and some use full Capital letters for titles both are wrong.
The best way you can do is by CAPITALIZE the first letter of each word of your title. Don’t be lazy and neglect it, because it is very important.
Titles and Sub-Titles should be Planned before writing article, it saves time, and gives the output with a well-formatted article and gives a good impression for search engines and readers as well.
Too Many Images
Many writers think by using many images will increase ranking, it’s totally a myth. If you have the same feeling stop it today after reading this!
The search engines can find images in your article but they cannot read what’s there in it, so the probability of images helping in the ranking from the search engine side is 0%, Yes it is true.
There is another case where the images explaining in more detail with graphics and fonts called Infographics help to retain the reader for a few more minutes on your site and hence decrease the bounce rate.
In both cases I recommend you to use the images as per the ratio of the content and appropriate to the reader.
The Last Paragraph
The last but not the least, summarizing the article is very important for an article you write because many kinds of research say that people scroll down to the bottom, read the summary and then go back to the main content.
So I strongly recommend writing summery at the end of the article, the place is not for putting links, suggestions, or biography.